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Endomysial Antibodies IgA


Endomysial Antibodies IgA

Endomysial Antibodies IgA

IgA anti-endomysial antibodies are found in 90% coeliac patients. They are a very specific & sensitive marker for coeliac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis. The anti-endomysial antibody test has been suggested to be 98% sensitive and 98% specific for clinical or subclinical coeliac disease. Since coeliac disease is commonly associated with IgA deficiency, care must be exercised in diagnosing these patients since clearly they do not express IgA antibodies. IgG anti-endomysial antibodies will be assayed.


Endomysial antibodies.

Turnaround time:

2-5 Working Days


This service is only available to the age of 13 and above.

Furthermore, Any cancellation or rescheduling within 48 hours before the appointment will incur a charge of 20% of the total service cost and missed appointments will be deemed non-refundable.

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