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Full Sports Hormone Profile


Full Sports Hormone Profile

Full Sports Hormone Profile

This profile is for anyone wanting information about their hormones and related systems that may be affected by their sporting activities or supplements.


Liver Function:

Albumin is a protein specifically produced in the liver. Its function consists of keeping fluids in the bloodstream as well as transporting substances like hormones and vitamins throughout the body. Albumin tests can be used to help diagnose and monitor diseases of the liver and kidney.

Globulin is a protein produced in the liver by the immune system. It is important in liver function, blood clotting and fighting infections. Globulin tests can be used to diagnose conditions including liver damage or disease, kidney disease and autoimmune disorders.

Total Protein is the total amount of two proteins found in the serum of the blood, these are albumin and globulin. Albumin is needed to keep fluid in the bloodstream whereas globulin is an essential part of the immune system. Total protein tests are used as an indicator to there being a problem with albumin or globulin levels.

Alkaline Phosphate (ALP) is an enzyme found mostly in the liver and bone. ALP tests can be used to diagnose liver or bone disease.

Alanine Transaminase (ALT) is an enzyme which can be found mostly in the liver and in small amounts in the heart, kidneys and the skeletal muscle. It is released into the bloodstream during an injury to the heart, liver, kidney and skeletal muscle. ALT tests can be used to diagnose liver disease.

Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) is an enzyme produced by the liver. It is released into the bloodstream during an injury of the heart, liver and skeletal muscle. AST tests can be used to detect liver disease.

Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) is an enzyme mostly found in the liver and is also present in the gallbladder, spleen, pancreas and kidney. It is a significant enzyme used in the liver metabolism of drugs and other toxins. GGT tests can be used to detect liver disease and bile duct injury.

Total Bilirubin is a test which measures the amount of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin can be found in bile to help digest food. It is also produced from broken down haem, which is old red blood cells that used to carry oxygen around the body. Total bilirubin tests can be used to diagnose and monitor liver diseases and certain types of anaemia.


Oestradiol is a form of oestrogen and the main female hormone produced by non-pregnant women. The hormone has an important role in the development of female physical features and reproductive functions. Oestradiol tests are used for the evaluation of ovarian functions. It can also be used to diagnose the cause of precocious and delayed puberty in girls as well as used to monitor hormone replacement therapy in peri-pausal and menopausal women.

Follicular Stimulating Hormone (FSH) a reproductive hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. FSH stimulates the growth and development of unfertilised eggs during the menstrual cycle in women and initiates the production of sex hormones such as oestradiol and progesterone. FSH is also used to stimulate the production of sperm in men. The FSH hormone is often tested with other sex hormones such as LH, testosterone, oestradiol and progesterone for diagnose infertility and pituitary gland disorders in men and women.

Luteinizing Hormone (LH) is a reproductive hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. This hormone is used to regulate the menstrual cycle and ovulation by stimulating the ovaries to produce other reproductive hormones in females whereas in men, LH stimulates and controls testosterone. The LH test is used to determine any reproductive problems.

Testosterone is a steroid hormone produced by the male testes and the adrenal glands in both men and women. This hormone production is stimulated and controlled by the luteinizing hormone. Testosterone is seen in large amounts in boys during puberty, causing growth of body hair and muscle development. It also regulates the male sex drive and maintain muscle mass. It is found in small amount in females from the ovary. Testosterone test is used to diagnosed various conditions such as erectile dysfunction and infertility in men.

Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary glands in the brain. The main role of prolactin is to promote lactation (breast milk production) in women during pregnancy and after childbirth. A prolactin test is used to diagnose infertility in both men and women as well as menstrual problems and erectile dysfunction.

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) is a protein produced by the liver. Its main function is to bind and transport the hormones oestradiol, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone in the blood. The SHBG test is used to diagnose testosterone deficiency in men and is used to investigate the production of testosterone in women.

Free Testosterone Calculation is a measurement of the amount of free testosterone in the body. It is a steroid hormone produced by the male testes and the adrenal glands in both men and women. It regulates the male sex drive and maintains muscle mass. Free testosterone calculation is used in the diagnosis of various conditions such as erectile dysfunction and infertility in men.

DHEA-Sulphate is a male sex hormone found in both male and female. It is mostly produced in the adrenal glands however a small amount is produced in the male testes and the female ovaries. DHEA-Sulphate is used to control body function such as heart rate and blood pressure as well as being important in the production of sex hormones, testosterone and oestrogen. DHEA-Sulphate is measured for the diagnosis of tumours of the adrenal grands or diagnosis of disorders of the testicles or ovaries.

Free Androgen Index is a ratio used to identify androgen levels. Androgens are hormones which includes testosterone and can be found in both men and women. This hormone is used to help in the development of sex organs and in the production of the female hormone oestrogen. Free androgen index is used to diagnose various condition such as male infertility.


Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) are made by the pituitary gland in the brain to stimulate the thyroid gland (located by the throat). The hormones that are produced are used to regulate weight, body temperature and muscle strength. Levels of TSH are measured as it is an indicator of thyroid disease and is commonly tested with Free T4 and Free T3.

Free T4 (free thyroxine) is a hormone produced by the thyroid gland. This hormone is involved in several body functions including metabolism and growth. It can be used for the diagnosis of thyroid diseases such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism as well as aiding the diagnosis of female infertility problems. Free T4 is commonly tested with Free T3 and TSH.

Turnaround time:

2-5 Working Days


This service is only available to the age of 13 and above.

Furthermore, Any cancellation or rescheduling within 48 hours before the appointment will incur a charge of 20% of the total service cost and missed appointments will be deemed non-refundable.

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